We offer a particular service to work between corporate leadership and external counsel to produce planning and materials for adverse scenarios; including contingency statements, internal, partner and external communications, Questions and Answers and other communications materials including call centre scripts; online and offline advertising and briefings for governments and regulators.
We’ve advised on INTERPOL and US Dept. of Justice; as well as, in the UK, Serious Fraud Office; National Crime Agency and Competition and Markets Authority matters. Our list of experience includes working for some of the world's most famous companies, and 'celebrities', on matters as sensitive as:
Bribery and graft allegations and investigations
Corporate killing and other corporate crime matters
Child labour in emerging markets manufacture
Environmental catastrophe
Financial fraud
Insolvency, bankruptcy and corporate collapse
INTERPOL Red Notices
Product recall; infrastructure and product failure
Sanctions non-compliance matters
Sexual offences
Transport mass casualty incidents
We are experienced in dovetailing programs that comprise public communications; regulatory and governmental outreach and NGO and multilateral agency management.
Working with expert partners we are able, quickly, to create and deploy websites; set up campaign and lobbying organisations and design and program specialist mobile apps, for instance to use in election campaigns or major incidents.
Conservative and discreet.
We understand that in some situations the better communications strategy may be to limit public comment, so as not to fuel a story or panic the public; distort matters or give an issue more prominence than it would otherwise have. In other situations, more extensive comment may be the right thing to do.
The public interest is not always the same as what will be interesting for the public. There may be a balance to be struck between adopting a policy of sensible discretion yet not falling into the trap of too often saying ‘no comment’ (antagonising international media and making resultant coverage worse).